6 Most Common Diabetic Emergencies

6 Most Common Diabetic Emergencies

6 Most Common Diabetic Emergencies: Warning signs

Common type 2 Diabetes Emergencies You Should Know. Here are some warning signs that your body may be experiencing a diabetes-related emergency.

Type 2 diabetes, commonly known as adult-onset diabetes, can damage nerves, blood vessels, and almost every part of your body. Diabetes can even cause medical emergencies when not appropriately controlled. With a proper and regular check on your blood sugar level, you can avoid these emergencies.

Type 2 Diabetes Symptoms

Type 2 diabetes tends to creep up on people, unlike type 1 diabetes, which often has a sudden onset.

Symptoms of the condition include:

  • Dry, itchy skin
  • High blood pressure
  • Irritability or depression
  • Extreme thirst or hunger
  • Feeling fatigued or run down
  • Blurred vision
  • Mood swings
  • Recurrent infections such as yeast infections or skin infections
  • Cuts and bruises are slow to heal
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Tingling or burning sensations in the feet, hands, or legs
  • Rapid breathing
  • Frequent urination

Various emergencies can crop up for people with diabetes, so it’s important to know what these emergencies are, what you should do immediately to help, and when to call for emergency care.

1. Heart Attack

People with diabetes are at a greater risk of heart attack than others. Diabetes damages the blood vessels, nerves, and arteries that supply blood to the heart. This damage causes chest pains and shortness of breath, leading to a heart attack. You can avoid this situation by getting cardio tests done regularly.

Some of the symptoms of a heart attack include:

  • Chest pain, such as tightness or a feeling of pressure or squeezing. The pain or discomfort can come and go and be constant.
  • Stomach pain can feel like heartburn.
  • Anxiety, feelings like you’re having a panic attack, although you don’t know why.
  • Feeling short of breath. This can happen before you develop any chest discomfort. Alternatively, you may not feel any chest pain.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Sweating, especially with skin that feels cold or clammy.

Getting regular cardio tests can help keep you informed on the condition of your heart, but if you experience any of the above, you should call 911 for emergency care immediately.

2. Kidney Failure

Diabetes impacts the kidneys and is a leading cause of kidney failure amongst many diabetic patients. They need to get their routine urine and blood tests done to find out about the function of the kidneys. Regular tests will help understand and treat the issue as soon as it arises instead of rushing to the ER when an emergency occurs.

3. Vision Loss

Diabetes is a leading cause of vision loss in many parts of the world. Nerves are damaged, and vision loss occurs due to poor blood supply. Patients should visit an Ophthalmologist regularly and make sure that this condition is not impacting their vision.

4. Hyperglycemia

Hyperglycemia refers to high blood sugar, which occurs when there is a lack of insulin. When symptoms like excessive thirst, blurry vision, and excessive urination occur, know that there may be a potential emergency. Make sure that you visit the emergency center as soon as you experience these symptoms.

5. Hypoglycemia

Hypoglycemia refers to low blood sugar, which undoubtedly can be another emergency. Symptoms such as sweating, shakiness, and changes in mental status may signal that the patient needs immediate medical attention. As the sugar level is low, you can help the patient by giving him something sweet to eat and then heading to the emergency center. Also, adjust the level of insulin intake to recover from this situation.

6. Stroke

People with diabetes are at higher risk of suffering from a stroke, so it is vital that sufferers, as well as their friends and family, can recognize the signs and symptoms:

  • One side of the face may droop, so check if their smile is lopsided.
  • Can they raise both hands over their head? They may have difficulty on one side.
  • Can they speak clearly? Speech often becomes slurred during a stroke.
  • Anyone suffering a stroke must get rapid treatment, as there is only a three-hour window during which clot-dissolving drugs are effective. If you suspect anyone has a stroke, call 911 for emergency care immediately.

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